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By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:02 AM

A stream trickles now,
Time wafts by unthoughtfully.
Can't it turn back?

I don't know what it is. By most accounts this has been a good two weeks. Busy, yes, but good none the less. Yet a strange sense of melancholy has set over me the last day or two. I was rather gloomy at the end of last year, partly for reasons I've talked about elsewhere, partly for other reasons as well, but I thought I was pretty much moving beyond all of those reasons (at least to some extent). Yet something is bothering me tonight; I feel it in the pit of my stomach. I just don't quite know why.

The trickling of the stream outside only makes it worse, I'm afraid. It is so soft and peaceful, yet unceasing like time. Maybe that is part of it. I see a lot of endings ahead. Some within a couple of months, some within a year or two. There are some endings I know I must also bring about to accomplish what God wants me to do, yet I don't really want to relegate those parts of my life to the past (this is especially difficult since there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that which I must move beyond, it just isn't the right place for me to be right now). The last decade has seemed to teem with so many endings I tremble at more, and yet they must come, I suppose.

What a Great Day!

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:10 AM

I wish I had time to post about it. Maybe tomorrow? :)

I Can See (Somewhat) Clearly Now

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:05 AM

Over the last few days, I feel like I've gotten a clearer picture of a lot of things I've been rather muddled about. For the most part I feel really good about this, although in a strange way, I liked it better before. I'm not sure why, exactly, for nothing has really changed from what I thought it was, it has just become clearer that I was correct in what I thought.

Maybe its because now that I have this somewhat solved, I'm left to think “now what?”

I'm hoping that will become clearer in the days to come.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 3:49 AM

Well, last week was finals week. I had four standard finals, I completed the last 13 verses of a chart that explained the parsing of (in addition to translation of) 1 John 1:1-2:13, and wrapped up a 20 page paper that connects Calvinism with modern Utilitarianism. Plus dealt with a spam problem on my server (yikes!). Phew. Overall, the last stretch of this semester (from the week before Thanksgiving to the end) was lighter weight than last year — 52 pages of papers — although they were more research intensive projects.

I'm now done with Greek for the next year. I hope to figure out a good routine to maintain what I know for when I'll take Advanced Greek Syntax at a seminary, hopefully, in January 2007. It is a relief to have made it through that. If you're looking for a Greek tutor or instructor in St. Louis, you should drop me a note for a referral. For the last semester, I studied one-on-one with a very fine teacher named Robert Wermuth (he taught the Greek I course I took as well, but I was the only Greek II student, so we met at Covenant Theological Seminary instead of LU).


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 5:55 AM

You know it's funny. Time, that is. They always say as you get older, it moves faster, and I can really see that. Time goes too fast. There are so many things I meant to do, so many things I meant to tell people… but times have past for those things.

And then there are interesting times like this week. Part of me wants the week to go by really fast. With finals, a paper and a bunch of Greek translation to do, I cannot wait to get beyond that and get some of the many other things accumulating on my todo-list done. Conversely, I wish the week would go very slowly, so I'd have more time to get all of that stuff done. :)

Well, either way, it will be what it will be.

Brief Semi-Hiatus

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:54 PM

It is a long story, but for the next few days I'm going to be around, but have spotty internet access. It has nothing to do with anything bad (petty or otherwise) — it is not only a long story, but also not terribly interesting. But, if y'all are wondering where I am, I'm still around. I might try to type up some entries while I'm offline and post them when I'm by a Wi-Fi hot spot in the morning.

Thanksgiving, etc.

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:23 AM

It's been a emotionally draining week for reasons I may get to in another post, but that's not why I've been quiet. I've been quiet because I was trying to fix a few weaknesses in SAFARI and managed to break my ability to login to the administration interface. With the week as it was, I didn't feel motivated to fix it, and hence I've just remained locked out… until tonight. :) I believe that as of now, SAFARI has completely shed its old flat file database self and is completely running of its MySQL database. That has been the major thing I wanted to accomplish before deploying SAFARI for others. This is something I'm very thankful to have done. Speaking of which…

Happy Thanksgiving to y'all.

I was going to make a really nice Thanksgiving post, but I spent my end-of-Thanksgiving-Day time trying to get myself logged back in instead. Maybe I'll do a belated Thanksgiving post tomorrow.

Something, That's What.

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 5:51 AM

In response to my last post — it has been a bit of a peculiar week, but overall, everything went better than I had hoped. I am thankful for that. I almost feel as if the last week hasn't really occurred, but I don't mean that in a bad way.

I have a few blog entries I'd like to write if only I had enough time to do so. It just seems I never have time and energy at the same time lately. Oh well.

What Have I Done?

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:50 AM

I'm still wondering about that. I sent out a letter that I wonder if I should have sent. More once I see how things settle down.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:43 PM

Sorry to be unusually quiet. Between the demands of my normal jobs, the previously mentioned issues that arose last month and so on, I just haven't seemed to have had the combination of time and motivation to post the last few weeks. It is rather strange.

I do have a few posts I'd like to write, though. Not the least is a review of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, as performed down at the Fox Theatre. The one word summary: “fantastic.” :)

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