Thanksgiving, etc.
It's been a emotionally draining week for reasons I may get to in another post, but that's not why I've been quiet. I've been quiet because I was trying to fix a few weaknesses in SAFARI and managed to break my ability to login to the administration interface. With the week as it was, I didn't feel motivated to fix it, and hence I've just remained locked out… until tonight. I believe that as of now, SAFARI has completely shed its old flat file database self and is completely running of its MySQL database. That has been the major thing I wanted to accomplish before deploying SAFARI for others. This is something I'm very thankful to have done. Speaking of which…
Happy Thanksgiving to y'all.
I was going to make a really nice Thanksgiving post, but I spent my end-of-Thanksgiving-Day time trying to get myself logged back in instead. Maybe I'll do a belated Thanksgiving post tomorrow.
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