Entries Tagged 'Qotw'

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QOTW: Sleep

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:15 AM

As if a busy day was not enough to make me tired, a gentle, peaceful rain is falling right now. Which leads me to think I'll call it an early night and get some sleep. And for the question of the week:

What is your favorite sound for sleeping?

Most white noise is nice, I think, but rain definitely wins out. I can hardly think of anything that encourages better sleeping than a slow, steady rain (as opposed to a raging thunderstorm). Rain also seems melancholy to me at times.

Tonight the rain is pelting rooftops There is no fire to melt the cold
I'm straining to hear a human whisper
And I'm painting images on the soft stone
— Melting Alone, Sixpence None the Richer.
Good night.

QOTW: Memory

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:54 AM

Memory is a funny thing. I turned on my PowerBook with a definite idea for a blog entry and now I have forgotten it completely.

Fortunately, this leads logically into this week's QOTW meme: Do you find yourself forgetting things frequently? Do you usually recall these things are have they disappeared into the abyss? What's the last thing you can recall forgetting (no, that is not any oxymoron)?

Post your remembrances of forgetting below or post the answer to your blog and then trackback to this post.

QOTW #17: Christmas or Not to Christmas

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:20 AM

I'm trying the QOTW meme again — answer for yourself below or post a link to your answer, if you post it on your blog.

Are you ready for Christmas? Why or why not?

Mostly, I'd say I am not ready — with Advent just a week away, it seems like I should be (normally, I'm ready for Christmas decorations and carols and Advent services by the beginning of November)… but I think with my busyness this year and the warm weather, I just haven't “noticed” the that its almost that time of year. Where did fall go?

QOTW #16: Did You Watch the Debates?

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:07 AM

The Question of the Week meme returns. Feel free to post your answer or a link to your answer in the comments.

Did you watch the debates? What did you think of them? Who won?

Yes, I did (as readers of asisaid know). I thought overall that President Bush could have done a better job of marginalizing John Kerry — given his strong position on the issues. Unfortunately, that did not happen, although those willing to examine the issues will see that the President has a far more thoughtful approach than Sen. Kerry. It is too bad that the average American bases his or her opinions on things such as whether they scowl at annoying remarks of their opponent or not, and instead based it on who had the best substance (would it not be better if they did scowl and show their real emotions?).

Overall, I'd say Bush won because I think he most definitely won debate two and — in my opinion — won in debate three.

QOTW #15: Pie

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:11 AM

As always, please feel free to respond in the comments or use the QOTW as a meme for your own blog (if you do, consider linking to your blog entry from the comments).

What is your favorite flavor pie? If you could have one cream pie and one pie of another type, what would you choose for the type that your favorite did not fall under?

My favorite pie is — hands down — Lemon Meringue pie. A really good Lemon Meringue pie should send a super sour sensation throughout your mouth followed by the simple, sweet enjoyment of the meringue. Other than Lemon Meringue, I also really enjoy Banana Cream pie and Chocolate Silk Pie.

Since my favorites all fall in the cream pie category, the tough question is what type of “other” pie would I pick as a favorite? I really like most pies, but my favorite non-cream pie would probably be Pumpkin Pie. I love that too.

How 'bout you?

QOTW #14: Olympics

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:40 AM

Have you been watching the Olympics? Do you think it has been a good one? What is your favorite part?

The Olympics have been pretty good so far, I think. I'm always sad to see the gymnastics portion of it end — that's probably my favorite part of the Summer Games. I'm much more of a Winter Games person, myself, I guess. I'd comment more, but I really should call it a night. Maybe tomorrow…

QOTW #13: I'm Behind

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:21 AM

QOTW #12: Better Late Than Never (Redux)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:58 PM

Yeah, it is late again. So sue me. Seriously, I am sorry to anyone who was anxiously awaiting QOTW #12. But it is finally here.

Do you get a lot of junk mail of the postal mail variety?

Yes! More than I even want to think about. Some really junky junk — the kind I've never requested anything to do with. Lots of Mac Mall, Dell, Hello Direct and PC Connection catalogs. Those stupid Internet Domain Registry of America fake billing mailers. Even some magazines I didn't request that I now receive but don't read. :-)

On the other hand, I get some neat stuff too — CDW once sent me a “Tech Answer Wizard” (a computer problem lingo version of a Magic Eight Ball). Sun Microsystems once sent me some popcorn. AOL even sent something nifty — a AOL CD in a metal tin perfect for holding stuff.

On a side note: I haven't forgotten about the Christian spam registry… I'm hoping to put that online very soon.

QOTW #11: Dem's Da Questions

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:15 AM

Assuming you watched some or all of the Democratic National Convention last week, did it leave you with a different perspective on Kerry? How about anyone else?

On Kerry, no. The only thing that provided a different perspective was the revealing information that Kerry's recorded “war scenes,” including those used in his introductory movie, were reenactments made by a young Kerry who was already planning to get in politics while in Viet Nam. Matt Drudge's quotes reveal that some soldiers joked, at the time, that Kerry left Viet Nam not because of his third injury but because he had collected enough film footage for his campaign. Does that count?

Barak Obama did leave me with a different (and, I'll admit, positive) impression of himself. I've already covered that in one of my posts from last week.

QOTW #10: Traveling

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:03 AM

What's the farthest west you've been (relative to where you are from) and when did you go there? North? South? East?

West: That would be the State of Washington (farthest point: the Pacific Ocean and the Olympic National Forest). I went there once in 1997.
North: That would be Minneapolis, Minnesota, also in 1997.
South: Eureka Springs, Arkansas, some time in the early 1990's (can't recall when for sure). I've been down that way a few times since.
East: Shelbyville, Indiana, in the mid-80's. I've been that far numerous times since then.

I was suppose to make it to Florida, Puerto Rico and and several Caribbean islands in 2001, but family medical complications prevented me from making it to that trip. I'm aiming to go to Canada some day soon.

How about you? Post your answers below or post a link in the comments to the answers on your blog.

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