Entries Tagged 'Life'

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Getting Highly Effective

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:26 AM

Covey is the author of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and one of Time's 25 most influential people. He was really impressive. Never during the lecture did you get the impression that Dr. Covey was speaking “down” to the audience — in some ways it seemed almost like a 1-on-1 conversation.

He emphasized integrating one's life and setting a personal missions statement. To set goals and stick to them. To not compromise when working with others but listen to each other until you can “synergize” instead. To “live, love, learn, and leave a legacy.” Lots of good stuff in there, to be sure.

The jist of his message breaks down to these four points which I thought were excellent:
  1. Body: Assume you've just had a heart attack and eat and live accordingly.
  2. Mind: Assume your career has a two year “half life” and act accordingly.
  3. Heart: Assume that everything you say about anyone is heard by them, and speak accordingly.
  4. Spirit: Assume you have a 1-on-1 quarterly discussion with your Creator, and live accordingly.

All of this sounds fairly simple, but a heathy dose of common sense is perhaps what this nation needs. It seems that one grade school back east that adopted Covey's program saw their standardized test results go from the 62 percentile (IIRC) to the 92 percentile in just 18 months.

Dr. Covey made some really good points. For example, on leadership, he noted that leadership isn't a position, it's a way of working with people. Management is a position. Leadership is “showing people their value so that they feel motivated to live up to it.” He noted that some of the greatest leaders of all time didn't even have an official title or position. How true.

I just happened to get a third row seat in the auditorium it was in, which gave me the opportunity to walk up and meet Dr. Covey afterwards. I even got a signed program! :-)

Anyway, it is getting late and I'm tired, but I wanted to write a little something about the event. While most of his lectures, I think, are somewhat focused on the business management world, I really don't see any reason why you shouldn't attend if you get the opportunity, even if you aren't in that sector.

It's snowing again...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:58 PM

…yes, it is. Amazingly, it seems that everytime the snow melts this year, it snows again. It's at that point where everyone (around here in Missouri, at least) I think is ready for spring (hi Christopher!). I must admit though, barring unforeseen traffic issues tomorrow morning, it was quite beautiful in its icy whiteness, and I enjoyed it tonight. The motion sensor light came on earlier and the snow just glistened on the hill.

Radio Personalities.

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:21 PM

I was just thinking about this as the radio personalities at KMOX have spent the day discussing the murder of long time personality Nan Wyatt, the host of the “Total Information AM” program. It's odd, I'd never met Wyatt, but it still was something that gave me pause when I first heard of the news on the radio this morning.

Certainly this isn't something that is just me either. I was amazed at all of the heartfelt responses from callers to KMOX today. Even major figures like Gov. Bob Holden and Sen. Jim Talent took time out of their day to express their sympathy and talk about Wyatt's impressive skills as a host and interviewer.

Radio is special like that, in both sad times like this and good times. I don't have any glitzy ending for this, but I just felt likesaying that right now.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:19 PM

I've been meaning to post some stuff on here, but I've been under the weather, and just not had the “umpf” to follow through. I'm starting to feel better though (yay!) so expect something posted here soon.

Space Shuttle Tragedy

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:05 PM

If you haven't already heard, the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded or otherwise broke apart at about 9:00 a.m. EST this morning while attempting to return to Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

  • NASA and CNN.com both have information on the tragedy.
  • The mission included the first ever space flight by an Israeli. In a sad bit of irony, the majority of the shuttle pieces that have been found have been located near Palestine, Texas.
  • Some have suggested the damage that lead to this may have occurred at launching when a piece of shielding from the rocket hit the shuttle.
  • The White House believes, due to the space shuttle's height at the time of the event, that it was not caused by terrorism.

Still here...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:13 AM

…and I have some thoughts I'd like to post here. But I'm too tired tonight. Oh, KDE 3.1 came out today — go download it using the time you would have spent here. :-)

Merry Christmas!

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:57 AM
Just thought I'd wish everyone in Bloggerland a very merry Christmas! In particular (Christopher gave me this idea from his Christmas post) I'd like to wish the following bloggers a very merry Christmas:
  • Ciaran Hamilton - Hope you have a great Christmas over on your side of the “pond.” Thanks for all the interesting stuff you post on your blog.
  • Kevin Hartwig - Merry Christmas Kevin… my day is certainly not complete without my dose of Sakamuyo. :-)
  • Christopher - Last, but not least, Happy Christmas to you “Mr. Wright.” Thanks for the idea of wishing my blog friends a merry Christmas, and for your ever interesting blog. And, also for wading through my sometime techno-jabber filled blog. ;-)
Have a blessed Christmas everyone!

Christmastime is Here!

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:20 AM

If anything, it shows that MWS is not just a good singer, but he also has an amazing nack for composition. The whole album flows together, and his piano playing is excellent (as usual). The CD is lively, happy, and serious all at once. Here's some of the lyrics to Christmastime (the song):

Ring Christmas bells Ring them loud with the message bringing
Peace on the earth
Tidings of good cheer
Come carolers
Come and join with the angels singing
Joy to the world
Christmastime is here again

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 2:14 AM

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with lots of Turkey, Mashed Potatos, Pumpkin pie, and family… I sure did. That in itself is worth being thankful for. :-) And with that, let the Christmas season begin…

Nine Eleven

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:37 PM
Be still and know that He is God Be still and know that He is faithful
Consider all that he has done
Stand in awe and be amazed
And know that He will never change
Be still

     —Steven Curtis Chapman, “Be Still and Know”

I wrote up a small piece on 9/11 at Open for Business. You can find it here.

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