Alan Weinkrantz Gets It
Apple, the newly emerging convergence technology company, and AT&T, the newly emerging convergence technology company, collaborate on a phone. You think perhaps part of the vision has to do with converging media? Good, succinct points from Alan, who is one of the AT&T U-verse pilot program members.
I really will post one of these days....
A long time has past
Since I did post normal posts
But I will return.
(Hopefully y'all will still be reading at that point.)
Like a Truck Hit Me
I've done very little since I got home this afternoon. After barely sleeping last night and getting up at 6:30 this morning to go to orientation at Covenant (which went from 8:00-3:00, if you count the Biblical content exam, and took place in various rooms that were not properly heated), I felt like a truck had hit me. While I feel better now, I am going to go to bed. Time for church will come early tomorrow.
Now I Am Really in Trouble
I'm going to be another day late. One day soon I will return.
Christopher gave me a homework assignment on his blog, but I must admit I'm going to have to turn it in late. The cat ate my homework!
Tomorrow, maybe?
Laying Low
I'll be back tomorrow night, hopefully. I have a Greek placement exam tomorrow that will occupy me until then. I've been trying to shore up my weaknesses for months, but now comes the last minute analysis of what I still need to do. I don't have very high hopes, I'll admit, because the exam is suppose to be harder to pass than the final for Greek II, so while I've done Greek II, this exam appears to include a decent amount of material on things that aren't focused on so much in Greek II.
Gulp. I think I might have to take Greek again — third time's the charm (I first took Greek as a homeschooler, then took it again in a normal format at Lindenwood, and depending on how this goes, I may do it again)?
Good Music
What's everyone listening to these days? I'm in a rut.
A-Z of Me in 123.
From Jason.
A- Available or married? Available.
B- Best Friend? I'd rather not pick one.
C- Cake or Pie? Pie. My pick for my birthday is chocolate cake, but there are more pies I like than cakes.
D- Drink of Choice? Water, Tea, Coffee (I want some Starbucks!). Speaking of which, the Sumatra coffee beans from Starbucks are really pretty good. Be bold and give 'em a try.
E- Essential Item? Pen.
F- Favorite Color? Green
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Bears.
H- Hometown? St. Louis/St. Charles.
I- Indulgence? Debating.
J- January or February? February.
K- Kids & names? Nadda — see “a.”
L- Life is incomplete without? Jason's answer of “God” sounds very good to me, so I'll ditto it. If I go for something material, I'll say books.
M- Marriage Date? Ahem. You just don't listen, do you? See “a” and “k.”
N- Number of Siblings? None of those either.
O- Oranges or apples? Oranges, but I like apples (and Apples) too.
P- Phobias/Fears? Oh, I don't know, spiders, phones…
Q- Favorite Quote? Depends on my mood. Here's what I have on Facebook, most of which have been previously posted to asisaid too:
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” — Jesus (Rev. 3.20 NIV)“A poem should not mean/But Be.” — Archibald MacLeish
“The Gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather, it sets a question-mark against all truths. The Gospel is not the door but the hinge.” — Karl Barth
“But, there is one more thing…” — Steve Jobs
“What is honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o' Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no. 'Tis insensible, then. Yea, to the dead.” — Sir. John Falstaff (Shakespeare)
“I see your point, but I'm right.” — A friend from church
“You can't fix stupid.” — Jim White (Retired KMOX Radio personality)
“Jesus does not give recipes that show the way to God as other teachers of religion do. He is himself the way.” — Karl Barth
“For I have known them all already, known them all:—
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?” — T.S. Eliot
R- Reason to Smile? A good joke, seeing family and friends, no phone calls…
S- Season? Spring
T- Tag three people! Christopher, Eduardo and Mike. All faithful asisaiders can consider themselves tagged, however.
U- Unknown fact about me: I like Take-5 candy bars.
V- Vegetable you hate? Peas out of the pod.
W- Worst habit? Worrying.
Y- Your favorite food? Potatoes.
Z- Zodiac? I'm proud to say I don't know. I've been told before, but I've never cared to remember.
The Generators are Roaring
I can hear generators roaring all around as I write this. Despite all of the lines around here being buried up to the road, most of the neighborhood is dark. Somehow, I've been fortunate enough to have power throughout.
Even better, the storms appear to be warming up, so maybe that'll keep any new layers of ice from falling and breaking more trees. I hope.
The Second Wave
It looks like more ice is on the way, and given the existing coating, I'm expecting a lot of trees to fall. If they do, who knows if the power will remain on. In such a case, I may be offline for a few days. Hope y'all are having a good weekend.