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Mountain Lion's Gatekeeper

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:33 AM

John Gruber writes:

The default for this setting is, I say, exactly right: the one in the middle, disallowing only unsigned apps. This default setting benefits users by increasing practical security, and also benefits developers, preserving the freedom to ship whatever software they want for the Mac, with no approval process.

Call me nuts, but that's one feature I hope will someday go in the other direction — from OS X to iOS.

My thoughts exactly. The iOS defaults make perfect sense for most users: the App Store is open enough that the vast majority of apps can get into it, it is dead simple to use and most users have no business trying to figure out if third party sources are “safe.” But, it would be nice if power users could flip a switch to override that generally wise restriction and install third party signed apps (or maybe even unsigned apps).

In this respect Gatekeeper on the Mac is really ideal. Given the differing expectations for a computer over a cell phone, it defaults to allowing Mac App Store and third party signed applications. I probably wouldn't recommend that as a default on an iOS device, but it makes sense on a full fledged computer. Most users probably should stick to the App Store, but quite a few users will want apps like Adobe Creative Suite or Microsoft Office, that (I suspect) will remain outside the App Store. By allowing third party apps, but requiring them to be signed, Apple avoids loosing (or severely limiting) these all-important packages while ensuring that any third party creating malicious software can still be blacklisted as soon as a threat appears.

Finally, and critically, Gatekeeper's restrictions can be completely overridden if advanced users want to run unsigned code. Giving the choice is good. For the most part, I suspect that users who are advanced enough to not be intimidated by switching off what sounds like (and is) an important security setting will also be knowledgable enough to safely judge what unsigned code is OK to run.

Mountain Lion

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:44 AM

Apple's program of making Mac OS X more iOS-like looks like it is really going to bear fruit in Mountain Lion. Bringing iMessage to the Mac seems natural and Notifications is an obvious integration of the functionality Growl had added to most Macs for years now. Clearly the big feature, however, is deeper iCloud integration, promising to allow data to flow seamlessly from Mac to iPad to iPhone.

I'm anxious to see how this turns out.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 8:09 AM

After reading two of Timothy Wengert's books on Master Philipp, I find my sympathy for the Lutheran humanist theologian has only grown. There is something tragic about how those he admires (Erasmus) or considers friends (John Agricola) end up turning on him.

At least he didn't end up exiled like Bucer.

Power Corrupts

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:12 AM

As any Google watcher knows, the company seems to have strayed further and further from its motto of “Don't be evil” as it has grown more powerful. That's why some news today worries me:

Handling more than 70 billion domain name system (DNS) requests each day, Google is now the largest public DNS service on earth, the Web giant announced today.

Somehow I just don't think it is good for the web that the largest search engine and advertising network is also the largest DNS provider. I'd recommend using OpenDNS instead.

More Snow

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:22 AM

Perhaps it shouldn't be notable when it snows in the winter, but this year, it has been. Today brought the second snowfall in less than a week. And, like last time, I was on the Lindenwood campus while it lightly snowed. The scene while walking across campus today amidst big fluffy flakes was beautiful.



By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:22 AM

Collin Morris gives a very true observation about Peter Abelard: he “had a talent for expressing new truths in an awkward form.”

Creation Study Report

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:34 AM

If you are looking to understand various readings of Genesis 1-3 within the PCA, you could do far worse than to read the Report of the Creation Study Committee. It does a superb job of breaking down some of the more complex views within the bounds of our denomination, including the Analogical Day and Framework views.

More importantly, it models the humble attitude we should take towards those with whom we disagree on such matters:

Nevertheless, our goal has been to enhance the unity, integrity, faithfulness and proclamation of the Church. Therefore we are presenting a unanimous report with the understanding that the members hold to different exegetical viewpoints. As to the rest we are at one. It is our hope and prayer that the Church at large can join us in a principled, Biblical recognition of both the unity and diversity we have regarding this doctrine, and that all are seeking properly to understand biblical revelation. It is our earnest desire not to see our beloved church divide over this issue.

But, At Least

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 8:18 AM

Donald Bell writes in a review of iPod touch alternatives for CNet:

This little guy is tough to recommend, but at least the $179 price comes in under the iPod Touch's.

Yes, the screen is small, dim, and plagued with a horrible viewing angle, but let's look on the bright side. The sound quality holds up well, audio and video format support is surprisingly broad, and the small size is very convenient.

Sounds like a winner.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:06 AM

I'm more than a little puzzled at what caused AAPL to jump up $16.49 per share today. There have been some rumors about the iPad 3 circulating — but nothing terribly surprising. In any case, I'm not complaining, and I do expect the iPad 3 to be a significant upgrade (the Retina display alone ought to guarantee that).

Werewolves, Again, Get Passed Over for Vampires

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:43 AM

John Dickerson writes on Slate:

The GOP nominating race has become a clash of vampires and zombies. Candidates like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich appear to die only to rise again, while Mitt Romney walks around not quite alive. In the wild narrative authored by cranky voters (who must not have heard the smart people who declared the race over months ago), the newest plot line is the battle between Rick Santorum, a candidate defined by his conviction, and Mitt Romney, one who has been defined by his lack of same.

So which one's Edward, anyway?

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