There is a logical explaination for this, sir.

You're Tony Nelson! It doesn't get any more stable
than you. You love peace and quiet, manual
reading and gardening are among your exciting
weekend endeavors.
What I Dream of Jeannie character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
So who are you? Does Dr. Bellows need to analyze you too or can you blink your problems away?
Sola Gracia All The Way!
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Pretty good quiz, I've always found that I relate strongly to the Apostle Paul (Almost any posts, articles or papers I've written on the Bible and theology come out with strong Pauline influence, no matter the topic). It seems short of Ephesians, I have the most in common with the book of Revelation, which also should make sense to anyone who knows me.
This Blog Rated
Yes, folks, you can come here and browse safely without needing a “v-chip.”

What rating is your journal?
brought to you by Quizilla
[Thanks goes to Susan for the link.]
Am I Snobby, Dear Chap?
From the Snob Quiz: “You haven't quite cut that snob mustard, Tim. Being 50% snob doesn't make you properly stuck up but nor does it condemn you to burn in middle-class hell. Unless you want to hang in snob limbo forever, brush up on those P's and Q's, buy yourself some fruit knives and start lying about your education quick. “
50% Snob is probably pretty good. Snobby enough to fit in with snobs and not too snobby to fit with anti-snobs. Hehehe…
[Thanks to Kevin.]