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Bad Day

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:18 AM

Nothing serious… I'm sure in a few weeks it will seem trivial. But today, it seemed bad — its one of those aching, raw, in the pit of your stomach feelings that just moves in for awhile. Unusual for me — I'm usually the kind that bounces back from undesirable occurrences pretty quickly. But for now, I'll just have to deal with it without even being able to post on what led to it. sigh You know, it strikes me how important blogging has become to me — now I feel lost when I run into something important I can't “chew on” by writing a posting about.

Sorry to be depressing. It was a mostly good day, in actuality, just overridden by one disappointing event. I was going to go back on the blog-based campaign trail tonight, but I just don't feel up to it.

Oh, in happier news, GO CARDS! I was worried when it got into the twelfth inning tonight — we couldn't be defeated by those “nasty Texans.” :-P I may not be a sports guy, but even I can't help but root for the home team.

Dizzy... Almost

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:39 AM

I'm not sure what it is, but about three o'clock today I started feeling sort of like my head was kind of floating and by five o'clock I felt kind of the same way I do sometimes when I take a Pseudoephedrine-based allergy medicine (although I've never clearly established whether it is the Sudafed/Tylenol Allergy or the allergies themselves that make me feel that way). But I digress. Today, I felt “almost dizzy” and my eyes didn't focus completely if I moved my head too quickly, but I felt fine other than that, so I don't know what that was.

After drinking lots of caffeinated liquids (namely coffee and tea) I started to feel better and I'm almost back on track by now. Of course, it ruined my plan to work on the confirmation lesson I'm suppose to teach on Wednesday. Tomorrow, tomorrow…

Nordstrom's Iced Lattes

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:10 AM

In my quest for an Apple iPod case that would provide decent protection, I wandered across town to the Apple Store West County today. They didn't really have anything very good, but I did happen to try an Iced Latte from Nordstrom on the way out. It was a bit cheaper than Starbucks and quite good — not maybe quite as good as Starbucks, but better than any other espresso drink I've found outside of Seattle.

Not Much To Say Today...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:53 AM

…but there should be more tomorrow. For now, I'm still seeking iPod case stories; please go over and comment in the last post if you have tips.

I'm excited about SpaceShipOne wining the Ansari X Prize. It is especially nice to see considering that the X Prize is based in St. Louis and sponsored mostly by St. Louisians going under the name “The New Spirit of St. Louis.” I find it especially interesting that they are planning an “X Prize Cup” each year where the latest space craft can compete. I doubt that will have the draw of $10 million dollars, but perhaps some of those who didn't manage to get ready before SpaceShipOne will decide to show there wares there.

As aside, SpaceShipOne's $30 million dollar cost is yet another proof that government can't do things as well as the private sector. Of course, I'm sure asisaid readers already took notice of that.

Crazy Week.

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:08 AM

Sorry, you'll have to wait another day to hear anything from me. Aren't you disappointed? ;-)

Gone Fish'n

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:29 AM

Well, not really, I have just been away from the computer a lot this weekend. Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. With y'all it was even happier. :-) And to answer the big question Ed asked, do I feel wiser or just older, you will just have to go read my comment in that post.. Yeah, I know that's mean.

Moving to other topics, has anyone had their printer stop to let the ink dry before? My HP PSC 2210 told me on its little status screen that it was doing just that tonight. Bizarre? At any rate, I think my ink is getting pretty low in it, leaving me with two printers almost out of ink — I guess it is time to make a trip to OfficeMax tomorrow…

Happy Birthday to Me

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:48 AM

Well, today was my birthday. It was a nice, mostly peaceful day, interrupted only by a literature test. Right now I am stuffed from pizza and cake. Woohoo! :-)

(As a side note, check out my latest OfB article here if you have a laptop and you want to protect that investment with a low-cost, high quality case — the RadTech ones I reviewed are excellent.)


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:16 AM

Last spring when it was months and months away (and thus seemed like “nothing” to agree to) I agreed to help out with the church Confirmation class. Today was the first day I was scheduled to be there. I wasn't sure it was the best idea with various things that needed to be done (for example, I am so far behind on e-mail, not to mention OfB), but it turned out to be a super night.

Sometime I'll have to talk about confirmation. It is something very near and dear to my heart, and especially with the pastor teaching it — he was my confirmation teacher, so it is kind of neat to return to the class years later and help out the current class. At any rate, back to my story…

When the class broke up into small groups, I quizzed four students on the books of the Bible and their first set of catechism questions (more on that later, for those wondering — and no, I'm not Catholic). They did good at that and also seemed to enjoy the game we played.

Before hand my pastor invited me over to dinner to discuss what I would be helping with this year. What I didn't know was that him and his wife had conspired to have a surprise birthday cake (my birthday is on Friday) for me at the end of supper. It was a great surprise — hey, isn't anything chocolate a good even without a surprise attached?

So, it was a good day. But now I am tuckered, so for now… good night.


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:18 AM

Today was the kind of day that everything you thought you had settled came unsettled. Nothing “bad,” just a lot of things that need to be done that I thought I already had taken care of. Alas, that means (as MeanDean likes to say), life trumped blogging again today.

I didn't even get a chance to look at some of the new comments I noticed where posted. sigh Never fear, I'll be back tomorrow… I hope.

Almost Back

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:18 PM

Well, I'm moving a bit slow, but I think I'm mostly recovered from the nasty effects of ragweed (which peaked this week — about a month late — at a high of 134 grains per cubic meter, substantially higher than the 50 grains per cubic meter that is considered “high.”). Nasty stuff. It has made me feel worse in the past, but it seemed to have a longer lasting period of “attack” this year. Right now, the main remaining issue is a cough, which, normally will stick with me for a few weeks.

Well, enough wallowing in self-pity. Today is 9/11. I cannot believe it has been three years since the World Trade Center was hit. I can still remember hearing the breaking news on CBS Radio News (via KMOX) early on that beautiful September morning. On the other hand, it seems like terrorism has been the top headline for ages now — I miss the time before we were so worried about it.

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