Entries Tagged 'Christology'
One Better
For the last six years, I have had the joy to share God's Word the Sunday after Christmas (seven years ago, my first Christmas as a pastor, I shared a message the Sunday before Christmas). For this year's message, I felt led to turn to Hebrews 1:1-4, a beautiful, powerful description of the one born in Bethlehem. Now that the Christmas rush has died down and we find ourselves on the sixth day of Christmas, let's dig into more about the one who came to save us on that first Christmas morn.
Have the Mind of Christmas
As we begin 2017, we shouldn't lose sight of the real point of the Christmas season we are just departing from. What is the “Mind of Christmas”? Paul speaks about it in Philippians 2:1—2:11.
Road Work Ahead
Called to Work by the Power of the One Who Saves Us
I preached on Philippians 2:12—2:16 at Grace PCA over Memorial Day weekend. We often look at the first part of Philippians 2, where we find Paul's beautiful description of Jesus's incarnation and sacrifice for us, but what does it mean when Paul follows those familiar words with a call to work out our salvation in fear and trembling? It means there is road work ahead in our lives as Christ transforms us to be more like him.