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Songs for Our Temple (Week 41: Ps. 119, Part 2)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:53 AM

In our second of three weeks exploring Psalm 119, Melanie takes us through through verses 57-104. Please join us as we continue to explore the longest of the Psalms!

Fraud Wasn't Even the Worst Part

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 9:45 PM

People know I love Apple, but not everything is wonderful dwelling in the realms created by Cupertino. Here’s my adventures in dealing with the aftermath of fraud on Apple Card:

By now most of us know the unpleasant drill. The credit card company calls or texts you and says there appears to be an unauthorized purchase. Somehow, that happened (near as I can tell, merely coincidentally) on three different accounts for me within a week in July. One has turned into a continuing pain months later: Apple Card. Some of this is a fault of the card, but the greater fault lies in a weak bit of design in Apple’s platforms I otherwise love.

Not Just Broken Shards (October 3, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:34 PM

Last week we explored how things were good in the Beginning. But, just because they were good, why should we think there is good ahead for us?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 40: Ps. 119, Part 1)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:51 PM

The Psalminizers — Jason, Melanie, Jim and I —go through an introduction to Psalm 119 as we reach the longest of the Psalms. We’ll begin to read it this week and then continue to explore it for the next several weeks.

It Was Good (September 26, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:23 PM

As we begin a journey over the next nine weeks into what the Bible tells us about where we are going, we start by understanding the start.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 39: Ps. 115-118)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:31 PM

Jason and I go through Psalms 115-118 in a special “Zippy the Wonder Snail” edition of Songs for Our Temple as we continue our one year journey through these songs praising God and applying His truth to our lives.

Now Is the Time to Stop Putin

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:36 PM

My thoughts on the continued war in Ukraine:

After seven months of horrifying war, the last few weeks have been inspiring as the Ukrainian Army, with the help of western weapons and local courage that no weapons could provide, have reclaimed swaths of occupied land. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is not one to give in, though, and his speech today makes that point, if anyone was in doubt.

Whom Do We Serve? (September 19, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:00 PM

As we conclude this Psalm, we turn to the question of what are we going to do? Are we making the right choices with our service?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 38: Ps. 112-114)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:00 AM

Jim takes us through Psalms 112-114 as we continue our one year journey through these songs praising God and applying His truth to our lives.

The Coronation (September 12, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:24 PM

As we turn to the next part of Psalm 2, how do we understand the language of the Messiah being “begotten”? What does that tell us about the confidence we can have in Him?

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