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Freezing Rain

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:45 AM

is coming down now, and the trees look like they are candy coated in the street lights. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.

Still Tired...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:53 AM

…and I just spent the last hour writing an e-mail about deconstruction, non-overlapping magisterium, Karl Barth, Al-Ghazali, Paul Tillich, and definitions of religion, so I don't think I have anything left to post tonight. Maybe tomorrow?

Tired, but Pleased

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 5:45 AM

One thing led to another, and what was suppose to be a small job today at church preparing the network infrastructure for the big office move tomorrow turned into the big office move today. All the computers are setup once again inside the main building rather than in a house across the street (where they've been for the last 21 or so months), a new wireless network is starting to go into place, and a new methodology for the naming of computers and static internal IP assignment has been implemented.

It was a lot more work than I expected to do today, but it was better than doing it tomorrow, and I had a lot of fine help to make the task actually manageable. It only took about ten hours. Woohoo!


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:17 AM

how interesting.

.5 More...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:17 AM

As long as I'm giving a play by play countdown (which is only really useful in as much as it allows all of you out in blogville to know I'm still alive despite my quiteness): I turned in my last paper today. It was a small little project I wrote in dramatic form.

That was 40% of the final exam for the class tomorrow. The remaining 60% will actually occur tomorrow. Let's see if I can survive that! ;)

Assuming I do, I have some work to do. I've delayed some publishing on OFB for lack of time, and a few other web projects have been sorely needing some TLC. Hopefully in the coming days. Oh, and church is getting ready to move its offices over into the new renovated area, which means I need to get wi-fi and such configured to cover as much space as possible using three routers — hopefully before Christmas. :mrgreen:

One More...

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:29 AM

I have just one final left, and 40% of it is an out-of-class essay I've pretty much wrapped up. Today I did most of the other business necessary to graduate. One last little bit, after which normal programming here on asisaid should return. :)


By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:13 AM

I've just spent the evening considering Duns Scotus and William Ockham. Phew. I am tired.

Shadows of the Past

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:17 AM

Tonight, I walked out of a classroom after an actual class at Lindenwood for the last time. Next week is finals — I only have two normal finals, along with one take home final I am working on and one final project I already turned in — and then I will be completely done. After four and a half years, I will no longer spend nine months of the year walking around LU's lovely little campus.

I can't say I'm anxious. I am ready to finish up in many senses, but in some ways, the core environment of LU has been a tranquil setting among the loss of grandparents, several major illnesses concerning my dad, and other matters. Not everything out of LU has been happy, but there have been lots of good memories.

Memories. Shadows of the past that seem to come to mind. Certain memories, particularly from Fall 2004, continue to come back to mind as they did earlier this fall when I did a little multipart narrative. In away it will be nice to move on to something new and fresh, but sometimes it is nice to be able to dwell in the past a little. But, this point I'm at now is good to move beyond. Two years ago would probably have been the high point of my time at Lindenwood, whereas now, things are just winding down.

Life moves on and soon I will be done.

Apropos to the Wet Snow

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:07 AM
Gently falling now,
The snow glistens in the yard,
All is clean for now.

The sleet and freezing rain started at 8:15 this morning (Thursday) and is continuing even now into Friday morning. We had some “thunder snow,” lots of freezing rain, some normal rain to melt everything together into bigger hunks of ice, and now more freezing rain. Supposedly, next up is some light fluffy snow. The amount of ice (several inches) is really quite amazing in and of itself. I'm glad I don't need to be anywhere for the next few days.

Life Moves On

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 5:59 AM

So, we lost the election — locally (for Talent, though not for Rep. Todd Akin) and nationally. And cloning is constitutionally enshrined in Missouri's constitution. It was a bad day yesterday.

But, life moves on. After following the World Series and then the leadup to the most interesting mid-term election in recent memory, I shall return to my usual types of posts. Thanks for bearing with me while I went on some side excursions.

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