AAPL Improves Year-over-Year. Again.
Tim Cook commenting today on Apple's second quarter performance for 2012:
“Just two years after we shipped the initial iPad, we sold 67 million,” he said. “It took us 24 years to sell that many Macs, and five years for that many iPods, and over three years for that many iPhones.”
HT: Gruber
Pebble: the e-Ink-based Watch
What isn't to like about a watch that tethers with your phone's Bluetooth to give you caller id information, e-mail updates and all sorts of other things while also displaying it all on an easy-to-read e-ink screen? I can't think of much. Take a look.
The 4" iPhone
I'm still not entirely convinced Apple will move to a bigger display size on the iPhone, but they would be much more likely to if the physical device size differences were minimized. That is what makes this mockup very interesting.
Why Can't I Use My Phone Number on Messages.app?
Zach Phillips explains my most significant frustration with iMessage on the iPad and Mac:
It would only take one feature to make Messages on iPad and Messages.app useful. Allow me to use my phone number as my iMessages account. My phone number has always been my unique identifier through which I choose to receive these short bits of text (for good reason). If I can't use my real “address,” there's not much point in signing up for a different delivery company. The package will not arrive where I need it.
Since iOS 5 launched, it has puzzled me why Apple designed the system so that iMessages sent to my Apple ID go to my Mac, iPhone and iPad while iMessages sent using my phone number only go to my iPhone. It creates a confusing (and technologically needless) situation where one ideally needs to give up iMessages' brilliant capability of seemlessly replacing SMS to reap all the benefits of using it.
Apple should fix this in iOS 6.
This is big. Iran, it seems, is going to build its own isolated intranet and all but cut its citizens off from access to the real, worldwide Internet:
Millions of Internet users in Iran will be permanently denied access to the World Wide Web and cut off from popular social networking sites and email services, as the government has announced its plans to establish a national Intranet within five months.
This is unprecedented for any nation with readily available Internet access. Here's hoping the plan falls apart.
Sanitizing Cell Phones
A cell phone, rather obviously, should be one of the germiest things we use. Between times we pull out our phones, we touch door handles, shake hands and so on. Now some inventive folks are trying to create a special UV sanitizer just for cell phones. The nifty thing is that this device avoids making UV sanitation an extra step by combining cleaning and charging into one process. Intriguing.
From the site:
Wired put it best when they said, “The irradiated warmth of a cellphone's interior is a vile, germ-infested bath loaded with more pathogens than any surface in your home.” The difference from your cell phone and everything else around you is that your cell phones is a safe-haven for bacteria. Their warmth allows bacteria to continue to live and to continue to reproduce!
The inventors have set their Kickstarter fundraising goal at $18,000 for production to begin.
Quest Mode
While you still can, you should visit Google Maps and try the “Quest” mode. It shows to how great an extent the company is willing to go to for a good April Fools Joke.
Lenovo Shows Apple How It's Done
People often get upset at Apple for suing companies that borrow design ideas from the Mac maker. That's why it is refreshing to see Lenovo has new laptops headed our way that are completely innovative in their appearance. No one would ever confuse this for a MacBook Pro. Note, for example, the location of the power button.
Mr. Bezos Goes Fishing
Alicia Chang reports for the AP:
An undersea expedition spearheaded by Bezos used sonar to find what he said were the F-1 engines located 14,000 feet deep. In an online announcement Wednesday, the Amazon.com CEO and founder said he is drawing up plans to recover the sunken engines, part of the mighty Saturn V rocket that launched Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on their moon mission.
iOS vs. Android Update Adoption
David Smith breaks it down:
Looking just at the OTA eligible users we again see a promising future for iOS developers. Nearly 80% of users are on the latest version within 15 days.
That compares to just 61.5% of users being on a version of Android released last year. This is in no small part because so many Android phones cannot be easily upgraded.
HT: Gruber