A Writing Itch
I have the urge to write two non-fiction books. Previously, I've wanted to write one, but never knew what I wanted to write on. I know what I'd like to say in them now, and given the time, I think I could probably produce one of them within the next year. The problem is that I'm not good at sticking to one project. I have a lot of irons in the fire, and I really don't want to give any of them up… but, if I don't, I won't ever get any of them done.
Another problem I have is credentials. The only field I have any background at all in is information technologies, and neither of the books I'd like to write have anything to do with computers. Would people read a book from a nobody with no particular expertise? I'm not sure. I may try to see if I can focus enough to write what I want to write and then worry about that later. I can always hang onto the manuscript until such time as I do have the right background or the a willing audience.
One thought that has passed through my head is to fictionalize my non-fiction. If I make my point through fiction, perhaps it would matter less if I was an “expert.” On the other hand, I don't want to water down what needs to be said.
The one book also has to do with what I cannot yet share. How I'd like to share my thoughts, but some things — most things, really — are still in motion and I simply cannot for that reason. Perhaps this is good. The things are getting so bottled up in me that maybe that will force me to put it into a more organized form that can be published. I can hardly stand it. In point of fact, I've already generated the better part of 100 double spaced pages of notes on the one subject. Now to organize it…
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Re: A Writing Itch
I’m sharing similar struggles. I’ve made two decisions:
1) Some of my irons are being pulled out. Others are going to be left to die in the fire and not replaced. My goal is to cut down to 4 irons for the remainder of the summer: work, writing, worship, and women (er, I mean a limited social life).
2) I’m not going to worry about the credentials. As much as I want to be published and make money, I am writing because I need to write. Writing is the piece I have influence over. I will write now and worry about credentials and publication when the time comes. I would like to sell my book to a publisher, but I’ll publish it electronically if that’s what it takes.
Re: A Writing Itch
Tim, by all means sit down and get that writing done. I also have the itch and, believe me, the only way to get rid of it is by scratching it
. I think your contributions to the non-fiction field can be outstanding.
There’s a good book on getting published, geared specifically for the non-fiction world. It’s excellent in its advice, even though it’s old:
David St. John Thomas and Hubert Bermont, Getting Published: An Author’s Guide to Book Publishing. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1973.