It's Been Fun (Not Really)
After much consideration, I've decided that blogging is taking way too much of my time. I could be doing far more constructive things with my time than sitting here on a soapbox every few hours and uttering some incoherent statement on something that most of the world doesn't care about. Does that sound bitter? Well, it is. When I started blogging, I never hoped to become like InstaPundit or Andrew Sullivan, but I admit that I was hoping to at least get enough traffic to support Google AdWords on here. Instead, I've just wasted hours for nothing… absolutely nothing.
Farewell. It's been fun (not really). Hopefully the rest of you will wake up and see that you could be doing far more useful things too — like organizing your socks or picking lint off your sofa.
Update (2005.01.02 01:15 CST): Since this post will remain forever in the asisaid archive, I would note to anyone wondering to take a very close look at the date of the post if it doesn't make sense.
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Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Good. We’ve only been reading because we felt like we had to. My days will be much more fulfilling now that I don’t have to read this drivel.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Yeah, and I only post to curry favor and keep from getting bad service on my website. (rolls eyes)
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Hey! I think I tried this once.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
I hope I get back my subscription fee! I mean, sheesh! I felt like I was getting little for my money as it was, but at least I got something.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Ed: Now that I know your motives…. bwahahaha.
Christopher: Good point.
Jtr: Sorry, I don’t offer refunds. I will allow you unlimited access to the archive, however.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
That’s not funny. I was upset the day I read that post. Glad to know it was a joke.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Michael… I’m sorry, I was hoping the ending about organizing socks would give it away.
I’d never post something like that…
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Of course, the best lies are the ones that are only slightly untrue.
Re: It's Been Fun (Not Really)
Hmm, should I wonder about your drivel comment then?