Challenge Set #6
Ok, it is time to revive something that died after just one week of operation: the asisaid Challenge.
First, to review:
Kevin: 145 (up from 75 on Dec. 18)
Christopher: 65* (up from 30)
Flip: 35
Josiah: 30*
Eduardo: 20
Jason: 15
Ed: 10
Chris (answering vicariously for his wife): 10
*Christopher and Josiah's points come from the gracious help with testing SAFARI.
Kevin added to his lead by correctly relaying the name “Moving On” on the song lyric as well as the band name “Sixpence None the Richer” and the story behind that name. He further solidified it by identifying Mosca from Ben Jonson's Volpone, answering multiple Jonsonian questions for 35 points.
Resume the challenge with the new (and old) questions below.
Questions Still Open
Here are some questions you can still seize upon (please answer 'em below rather than on the old post).
4.1) The bonus part of the Jonson question is still open — why can he be referred to as the killer cleric? (10 pts.)
5.2) Who wrote it, where and, if appropriate, who said it [20 pts.]:To pass our youth in dull indifference, to refuse the sweets of life because they once must leave us, is as preposterous as to wish to have been born old, because we one day must be old. For my part, my youth may wear and waste, but it shall never rust in my possession.
Frankly, I'm not surprised no one is getting this quote and you aren't missing much for not knowing it. It's part of a play I'd grieve if I had to read through at the moment.
New Questions
1.) What was the first commercially available MP3 player? (10 pts.)
2.) What was convened tomorrow (January 28) in 1521? (10 pts.)
3.)What major U.S. tragedy occurred in more recent times on that day? (5 pts.)
4.) What I am quoting and who penned it? (15 pts.)(To JS/07 M 378 This Marble Monument
Is Erected by the State) He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint
5.) What will the new trilogy by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins be about? (5 pts.)
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Re: Challenge Set #6
1) First mp3 player I remember hearing about was the Rio 300. Don’t know if it’s the oldest, though.
2) Jan 28th is St. Thomas Aquinas day, but he was back in the 1200s. 1521 was when Luther brought down the house at the Diet of Worms.
3) WAG: USS Cole attacked.
4) WAG: Benjamin Franklin dedicating a statue of Benedict Arnold.
5) Someone told me just a couple days ago, but I don’t remember.
Re: Challenge Set #6
Aha! didn’t have the answer, but does! (Good thing those guys are big on themselves.) It’s a prequel trilogy to the Left Behind series
“Was Nicolae Carpathia a kind, caring kid? What were his parents like? Who was Rayford Steele’s first love? Why did he finally decide to give God a chance? These questions are only the beginning…
Scores of readers want to know the behind-the-scenes stories of their favorite Left Behind characters. An upcoming trilogy by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye will provide the amazing answers. Go back to the future with Volume 1, The Rising. Available from Tyndale House Publishers in late 2005.”
Re: Challenge Set #6
WAG on 5.2: Shakespeare, Macbeth, no clue who as I haven’t read that in years.
Re: Challenge Set #6
That’s when the Diet of Worms began (which lead to the Edict of Worms). I remembered that (without googling, even) because it sounds so yucky. Imagine eating worms from January to May…
No idea, but at a guess The Baltimore Ravens defeat the New York Giants, 34-7 (that was in 2001)
And are we allowed to google for the answers of the old questions now? My curiosity is killing me, so soon I have to google…
Re: Challenge Set #6
Oh, and on a sidenote:
Astrid Lindgren, the famous Swedish writer (Pippi Longstockings, anyone?) died the 28 of January, and it’s the Swedish king’s namesday
Re: Challenge Set #6
I love Pippi!
What a wonderful book.
And that’s all I really have to add, other than I will be researching this diet of worms thing further.
Re: Challenge Set #6
I haven’t done the challenge in a while… Is it sad that the only question I know is the old one. So Flip, without any further ado,
5.2 “Way of the World” by William Congreve. Act II Scene 1. Speaker: Mrs. Mar.
I have a copy of the play. Sorry Tim. I actually kind of like it. I’ve yet to see it, but I rather enjoyed reading through it.
I don’t know if 4 really was Ben Franklin about Arnold, but it would fit with his personality. His motto for success was never to speak ill of any man, and speak all the good he knew of every man.
Re: Challenge Set #6
According to this morning’s news, the Challenger space shuttle blew up 18 years ago on this date, and the Columbia blew up 2 years ago on the 30th.
According to, the last Thursday of January (the 27th, this year) is set aside to honor those who died in the Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia. They have a nice little remembrance on the website if you aren’t offended by music coming from your browser.
Re: Challenge Set #6
I can’t get Linux to recognize my onboard sound card, so I hear nothing to be offended at… Someday I’d like to be able to hear sound from my Linux box, but it’s just not that high up on my priority list.
Re: Challenge Set #6
Ooh, everyone is going good tonight! I’ll just answer in a post so that it’s clear which answers are solved. But, since it has antagonized us so long, I will address 5.2, which Jason has correctly identified. It is William Congreve’s Way of the World, Mrs. Marwood speaking. Extra kudos for naming the exact scene. Perhaps I’d like it better if someday I am able to convince myself to try it again, but on the first pass through, I had a hard time keeping track of what was going on.
Flip: I had forgotten about Pippi. Thanks for reminding me.
A diet of worms would be bad.
Re: Challenge Set #6
1) CNET is my friend. Thanks for the tip in your new post.
Saehan’s MPMan
After reading the article, I don’t feel so bad about my guess. I wasn’t too far off.
Re: Challenge Set #6
Question… Are you only letting Flip use google for the Johnson question or opening it up to all of us? If all, the answers can be found in the following links:
(Don’t go reading those or further in this comment, Flip, if I’m cheating and you’re still looking.)
Basically, Johnson killed “a fellow actor, Gabriel Spencer, in a duel in the Fields at Shoreditch and was tried at Old Bailey for murder. He escaped the gallows only by pleading benefit of clergy.” This benefit of clergy thing meant clergy weren’t tried by the state for felonies. Instead, they were turned over to the church, who slapped them on the wrist (compared to the gallows, at least). Apparently, quite a few felons decided to become clergy when apprehended. Johnson wasn’t stretching the truth as far as some. At least in his case, his dad was clergy.
Re: Challenge Set #6
Kevin, yes, you were quite close on the MP3 player — it was a trick question that came to me after reading that article. You are welcome for the tip.
Anyone could use Google. That’s quite good — the only detail I’d add is that the way one proved they were “clergy” was to demonstrate their ability to translate from Latin to English… it was a medieval law, so it still focused on the Roman Rite’s Latin orientation rather than the vernacular orientation of the clergy of that time in the CoE.