Writer's Block

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 1:10 AM

I have a bad case of writers block. I haven't been able to make any progress on my opinion pieces that need to be written for OfB. I can't get any of my ideas onto paper for Sakamuyo. It's frustrating for someone who normally can do this kind of stuff.

To make the compound the situation, I had the need to write approximately 52 researched, documented pages for courses as well. Perhaps fortunately, business has been slow the last few weeks, so I've been able to pretty much dedicate myself to the writing of those pages. As it stands, I've written 53 pages in the last few weeks, although some of those are cases where I took more than the required amount of pages, which means I still have about four to five pages to go to meet the requirements for one topic that I lumped in that grouping of pages.

At any rate, even if those pages had flowed, none of them actually provide anything I can put on OfB — which is, bad news. One of my biggest flaws is that I need to be “inspired” to write even technical reviews, probably because I'm not really a technically minded person despite the fact that I can make people's eyes glaze over with technical facts at times. It might sound silly, but that's why I call it a “flaw.”

I guess my Muse decided to take a trip off Mt. Helicon to go see some “sights.” Maybe that will mean better inspiration in the long run… but, alas, for now, it may mean continued struggles.

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6 comments posted so far.

RE: Writer's Block

Tim, don’t feel bad. I am the type that cannot write unless I am also inspired. Just recently I was inspired to write a journal entry but, I have been putting it off because it is a piece that would definatly offend some people.

Posted by David M. - Nov 29, 2004 | 12:42 PM- Location: Columbus, Ohio

RE: Writer's Block

I, too, have ~50 pages worth of papers do for courses, most of which are due 12/7. I had planned on completing all the research over the long weekend. I hadn’t planned on this silly virus that kept me in bed all weekend.

Posted by kevin - Nov 29, 2004 | 3:22 PM- Location: Milwaukie, OR

RE: Writer's Block

Speaking of being sick, I spent 3 days in bed 17th, thru 19th with the flu. Felt somewhat better on the 20th, but right now I am having chills again and believe I may come down with the flu again.

I guess whats what having children is all about. Better me than them. :-)

Posted by David M. - Nov 29, 2004 | 7:27 PM- Location: Columbus, Ohio

RE: Writer's Block

David: shaking people up with a little offense is not necessarily bad. :-)

Kevin: Yes, that would hurt — I’m certainly sorry you got that virus. I think it is going around out here as well, which has me nervous… I cannot afford any downtime. I’ve turned in about 20 pages of the papers in the last few days, and the others are mostly in second draft stage, but I only have until Thursday or Friday for them. Yikes!

David: That sounds nasty. I had a mild bug at the beginning of the month with chills. I’ve been tired ever since (either because of remnants or perhaps just not having time to re-cooperate), but otherwise it seemed fairly mild. Now I just hope mine doesn’t reoccur and yours decided not to stay long on its second visit… If it is the main flu going around, I should be safe; I received a flu shot right before they announced the shortage of ‘em.

Posted by Timothy R. Butler - Nov 30, 2004 | 1:02 AM- Location: Missouri

RE: Writer's Block

David: shaking people up with a little offense is not necessarily bad. :-)

True But I’m afraid it’ll make me some enemies. And I certainly don’t want that.

David: That sounds nasty. I had a mild bug at the beginning of the month with chills. I’ve been tired ever since (either because of remnants or perhaps just not having time to re-cooperate), but otherwise it seemed fairly mild. Now I just hope mine doesn’t reoccur and yours decided not to stay long on its second visit… If it is the main flu going around, I should be safe; I received a flu shot right before they announced the shortage of ‘em.

Late last night my daughter Amy started running a fever about an hour after I had come down sick and went to bed. I was sweating pretty bad and my cloths were soaked, same way with Amy. Today I feel much better, but Amy is still sick and I looked into her mouth and sure enough she has strep throat. My wife has her at the doctor right now getting her treated and I have to take my other 2 kids because they may have it, but not showing any symptoms yet.

Posted by David M. - Nov 30, 2004 | 8:34 PM- Location: Columbus, Ohio

RE: Writer's Block

Sounds like fun! :-) Hope your kids feel better soon.

I guy I know today was sweating profusely from some kind of virus… it seems to be really going around at the moment; sounds like the flu.

Posted by Timothy R. Butler - Dec 01, 2004 | 1:37 AM- Location: Missouri

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