Oct 21, 2003
By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:05 PM
What a whirlwind the last few days have been. I've been meaning to head over to Christopher's 40 Days of Purpose internet small group for two days but haven't ever had the chance. I've had several “planned” irons in the fire, plus the continued onslaught of the DoS attack against my host that has kept me busy keeping my clients informed as to what's going on (and trying to keep them calm).
Additionally, my Charter Pipeline internet service has been down more than it has been up lately, so I've been offline a lot over the last week or so. sigh Just hoping things calm down a bit later this week…
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RE: Yikes!
The joy of public service. I have a t-shirt from compaq from several years ago. It’s black and in big white letters across the front reads “In Public Service Every Mission is Critical”. I have another one, white with a picture of a pocket protector filled with pens and pencils that reads “Not all heros wear tights and a cape”. Those are 2 of my favorite t-shirts, but they are getting old and my 2 Linux shirts are getting holes in them. I need to pick up some Linux polos.
RE: Yikes!
I like those!