Mysterium Tremendum
Well, I ran into a new blog tonight called Mysterium Tremendum. It looks pretty interesting, so you'll now find it on my blog roll.
What really caught my attention was the title. It is derived from Rudolf Otto's statement “mysterium tremendum et fascinans” (which roughly means trembling and fascinating mystery), a description Otto used to describe Holy or numinous experience. It's a good statement, I think, for describing the experience of the Holy and if the name of a site can be any kind of indication, it ought to signify a good new blog starting up.
Anyway, uiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur. (Ten points to the first commenter who knows what that means).
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RE: Mysterium Tremendum
whenever you speak in latin, it sounds high-fallutin’
whatever is said in latin sounds profound
RE: Mysterium Tremendum
I was thinking the latter, but I kinda like that high-fallutin’ stuff!
Soph, you are now entitled to 10 asisaid points. You can use them where ever asisaid points are accepted!
RE: Mysterium Tremendum
Coming soon to a retail outlet near me, right?
RE: Mysterium Tremendum
How’d you guess?
Re: Mysterium Tremendum
Tremendum means GOD beleive or not