Articles by Timothy R Butler

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Songs for Our Temple (Week 37: Ps. 109-111)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 2:53 PM

Melanie helps us to unpack one of the most challenging of Psalms, 109, along with the lofty joy of Psalms 110-111.

How to Go on Vacation Without Going

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:11 PM

I wrote a column on playing with Stable Diffusion:

Everyone loves to show off some photos of their latest trip or family party. So, here I’ll share some to start off this week’s column. Never mind if you would rather not see my family’s party or my vacation — these aren’t those anyway. I’ve been under-the-weather and keeping my distance from folks. Here’s another secret though: they aren’t anybody’s.

The Secret Recipe (September 5, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:05 PM

Though it may appear that God isn’t in control in the given moment, Scripture tells us to have confidence in His steadfast love and power.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 36: Ps. 106-108)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:15 PM

I look at hope found in God in all situations of life as we turn to Psalms 106-108 this week.

Two Ruckuses, Little Truth

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 9:18 PM

Two ruckuses that have occupied our society the past couple of weeks have gotten me thinking a lot about truth. One came from the Left and one from the Right. One was Liz Cheney’s loss, one student loan debt forgiveness.

Do we care about truth? That’s my column for the week.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 14: Ps. 40-42)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 12:24 AM

Please join me as we turn to our next three Psalms (40-42) and reflect on how they turn us towards our true hope as we look forward to Easter.

Do I See My Mission? (March 28, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 5:10 PM

Are we shining lights into our world or are we spreading darkness? As we continue in Philippians 2, we’re challenged to think about our role in showing God’s light in this world.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 13: Psalms 37-39)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 9:46 PM

Join the Psalminizers (Jason, Melanie, Jim and Pastor Tim) as we turn to our next three Psalms (37-39) and reflect on how they turn us towards our need for repentance and God’s grace.

Hidden in the Trees (March 21, 2022)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 8:53 PM

What does it mean to work out our salvation with “fear and trembling”? How does that help us to understand our calling as believers and as the church?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 12: Psalms 34-36)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:25 PM

Join Jason as we turn to our next three Psalms (34-36) and reflect on what they tell us about our God and His calling for our lives. Live tonight at 7:30 pm (CDT).

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