Entries Tagged 'Holy Spirit'

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How Can This Be? (December 20, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 3:05 PM
Zechariah and Mary both asked the question we often ask of God: “How can this be?” As we think about the Spirit’s work, we understand better the answer for both them and for us.

The Lost Presents (December 13, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 8:50 PM

The Christmas Story is full of a special kind of gift giving. But have those gifts been misplaced?

The Real Christmas Pageant (December 6, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:19 AM

God has guided His People over history. As we look at that history, does it tell us anything about how He views us today?

The Spirit of Christmas (November 29, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:35 AM

What is the true Spirit of Christmas? This year, we’re going to be thinking about how the Holy Spirit works throughout the story of Jesus’s coming and what His continued work means for us today.

Are Our Headlights Out? (July 26, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 10:16 PM

What should we believe about God’s Word? What does God’s Word tell us about itself? How should we approach it if people have used God’s Word to hurt us? Those are questions we turn to as we dig into the next subject of “Pieces of Faith:” God’s Word.

Grace from Fall (July 19, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:00 PM

Do I see myself as I am? Do I see how God sees me? Tonight on Steadfast, we look at those important questions and how God turns the “Fall from Grace” on its head.

God Keeps the Water Running (July 12, 2021)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 7:00 PM

Why did God create me? How does understanding who God is help us to better understand His love for us? As we begin a new series looking at core beliefs the Bible teaches, we start at the one who starts everything: God. (If you’re interested, we’re working our way through the Little Hills/FaithTree statement of faith — you can check that out and then we’ll cover a portion of it each week by looking at what the Bible teaches on that subject.)

Zippy Episode 4

The Spirit Throughout

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 11:49 AM

Jason Kettinger and I packed a LOT into this episode of Zippy the Wonder Snail. 🏁🐌🏁 Hope you’ll zip along with us as we touch on some very important topics!

The Snail returns! 🏁🐌🏁 Timothy and Jason zip through topics hopeful (the #HolySpirit is with us!) and challenging (#ChurchToo and the need to stand against abuse in the church) alike. This packed episode also include a Facebook versus Twitter discussion, social media for #prayer, and a brief #EndTimes discussion. #UpperRoomDiscourse #RussellMoore #ERLC #SpiritualAbuse #OlivetDiscourse

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 16: Joel)

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 8:20 PM

Do the Bible’s prophecies of the end times tell us anything in our present situations? Yes, yes, indeed they do and I think about that as I turn to Joel this week. One of the things I really like about doing this 52 week journey wherein each week we look at a different book of the Bible is that it is making me share from books of the Bible I don’t turn to very often, such as Joel. But all of God’s Word is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16 ESV) and the book of Joel has reassuring things for us to hear!

Joining the Local Chapter

By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 4:10 AM

Well, as long as Jason is doing it, I might as well too.

Hi, I'm Tim. And I'm a Calvinist.

I think Jason makes an astute observation about the inconsistencies that can occur in theology when one rejects total depravity. It strikes me that every theologian that comes to my mind that has actually created a systematic, consistent understanding of the Christian faith has generally had to accept the basic understandings of the state of humans and election that the Reformed faith eventually claimed as its own. I myself struggle at times with parts of TULIP, and have only in recent years accepted that I am clearly unable to will my own way out of Calvinism (that's a joke, folks), but in the end, the things I cannot explain in Reformed doctrine are not nearly as difficult as those things I would need to deal with should I reject this stream of theology.

Total depravity is probably the easiest of the five points to accept for me. It may be that humans are capable of mortal good, or the appearance thereof, but I thoroughly believe that humanity is capable of absolutely no spiritual good without the inner working of the Holy Spirit.

So, Jason, did you bring the donuts for the meeting?

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