Feb 15, 2005
Photo Game
By Timothy R Butler | Posted at 6:42 AM
As long as I'm having fun giving all of you a hard time about my photo, I might as well make a game out of it… Ok, one of these photos is a picture of yours truly. The others are people I know or have at least met (well, save for two, one of which I feel like I know and one of whom I don't know at all). Which one of these is me? 30 pts.to each right answer within the next 48 hours — one try per person, so choose wisely.
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Re: Photo Game
Hmm… I have it narrowed down to 2 choices, but from there it’s a blind guess. Time to sleep on it and see if I remember to repost inside the 48 hour window.
Re: Photo Game
Oh, what the diddlydots! I don’t care about the points, anyway. I’ll guess the hot stud second from the bottom!
Re: Photo Game
I’ll guess the guy at the very bottom.
Re: Photo Game
Dang. I am going to go with Kevin. In as far as his choice. But I don’t know! That or number four.
Re: Photo Game
I thought it might be the one on the bottom - that pic looks closer to what I had imagined - but I figured Tim’s too much of a computer geek and artist to use a photo in that condition.
Re: Photo Game
Oh please he is just trying to throw us off course. With all the poetry he writes it -HAS- to be the first one.
Re: Photo Game
I am going to say the one at the bottom.
Re: Photo Game
Well, Kevin, using a photo in that condition could just show laziness more than anything else. Who knows… no one but I, until tomorrow night.
The first one, Mark, is a very good guess as well. Hmm. It looks like number five and six are tied with two votes each. Well, that’s assuming Christopher goes with number five and not number four…
Re: Photo Game
I think I’m going to go with picture number 4, myself. Just to be different.
Re: Photo Game
3 or 6, 3 or 6… Argh! Indecision! But since everyone else guessed on 6, I’ll go for…. wait… no… or?
Yes, number three.
(Even though number three looks a tad too young, somehow. Hmm. Maybe it’s number 4 after all, but I’ll stick to number three now.)
Re: Photo Game
I think I remember Tim saying something once about his age or that gave a clue about his age, which led me to believe he wasn’t as old as I might have first thought…. I’m pretty sure he’s younger than me. Or, I could be thinking of someone else. That’s the problem with keeping way too much trivia in my head. It’s all there, but it isn’t all sorted.
Re: Photo Game
It seems pretty well sorted to me, Kevin, your mind does not deceive you.
I expected others might have caught that and it would have ruled out picture 4 (in addition to picture 2 which no one guessed).
At any rate, this has been an interesting experiment in seeing what everyone’s “mental picture” of the mysterious asisaid writer was. Usually before I put a face to a name, I do not imagine it looking like it actually does, and it seems that the same holds true for those who participated here.
I suspected that five and six might make things a bit confusing, and I see they did. I also thought my ridiculous smile in the picture above might make things interesting (who in their right mind would post a picture of himself looking like that?), I’m not sure if that swayed anyone.